Wednesday, March 12, 2014


As a fashion design major sometimes I think to myself as to why I don't make myself clothing for my personal pleasure that I can wear after making. The main reason I don't now is because every month of the year is consumed by some project that I have to make for school. I am happy though when I decide to design outerwear that has an oversized fit or is a men's coat, because that means I can wear it after do to the largeness of it. I can't wait though for when I graduate and can came clothing that is just for me and not for anyone else.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Life and College

As I sit in my College housing living room, getting some non-fashion related work done, I start to realize how great of a semester I am having. I am not saying that this extended winter and mass of snow has made this semester great, but I will have to say that I am loving all of my classes even my one business class. The people I have met this semester have been wonderful and I think I am starting to get this social mentality that most college kids get beyond the first semester of Freshman year. I think after getting ill and going a little excessive with the social scene of freshman year, i retracted and decided to focus more on school since that is why I am in school. I never really minded it but it was a strain on my fridays when I could blow of some steam with some dancing and laughter. But given that my birthday is coming up in a few days and I have made a great group of friends and have grown closer to the ones I  already have, I think the rest of this semester and college career is going to be amazing and full of great memories.

Parties and going out is not the best thing about College, but it does create great memorize that might last a lifetime. 21st Birthday here I come.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Long Time No See

I have to tell you all that I am really sorry for being absent for so long, I feel like its been years since I have been on here and I have missed blogging. I have just been trying to get back into the swing of things in having really projects and assignments due. I am working on 3 projects all at the same time which I might preview a bit on here after I am finished with two of them and satisfied with a point with another. I will try to post more in the next couple of months, but it most likely will not be as frequent as it was before.

Miss you all,

Inside My Mind